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中国健康旅游(chinameditour)消息:医疗旅游具有提供经济机会的潜力,其发展现在是希腊旅游部 2022-23 年的当务之急之一。
旅游部表示将与包括世界卫生组织 (WHO) 在内的所有机构合作,推动必要的立法法规,以便该国能够更有效地利用健康和保健旅游。
该部已经与希腊健康旅游委员会(Elitour) 合作,并计划通过使用恢复基金资金来更好地利用希腊的许多温泉,与市政当局合作开发健康旅游。
Elitour 曾表示,它计划在雅典创建一个健康、健康和希腊式的好客村,以创造更好的生活条件,改善心理健康和福祉。
另一个正在考虑的发展领域是毛发移植。总部位于雅典的Seneca Medical Group在欧洲经营毛发移植诊所,在英国和希腊都很活跃。该公司使用个性化的诊断系统提供医学上先进的脱发治疗,45% 的前往雅典 Seneca 诊所进行脱发修复的人来自国外。
Seneca 的首席执行官在评论该部计划时表示,政府有必要为希腊的医疗旅游制定认证计划,并提供补贴以促进该国的旅游业发展。
Elitour 与Hellenic Chamber of Hotels合作,计划创建提供健康、水疗和健康旅游选择的旅行套餐。Elitour 将与希腊酒店合作,为提供专业健康服务的酒店获得认证。
Greece develops medical travel sector
In recent years, stakeholders in Greece have launched concerted efforts for the country to emerge as a medical tourism destination given the high level of services provided in both tourism and health. But much more has to be done.
Medical tourism has the potential to provide economic opportunities and its development is now one of the immediate priorities of the Greek Tourism Ministry for 2022-23.
The tourism ministry has said it will cooperate with all agencies including the World Health Organisation (WHO) to promote necessary legislative regulations, so that the country can tap in more effectively to health and wellness tourism.
The ministry already works with the Greek Health Tourism Council (Elitour) and plans to make better use of Greece’s many thermal springs via use of recovery fund money to develop wellness tourism in collaboration with the municipalities.
Elitour has said it plans to create a health, wellness and Greek hospitality village in Athens, to create better living conditions, improve mental health and wellbeing.
Another development area under consideration is hair transplantation. Athens based Seneca Medical Group, which operates hair transplant clinics across Europe is active in the United Kingdom and Greece. The company offers medically advanced hair loss treatments, using a personalised system of diagnosis and 45% of the people that visit the Seneca clinic in Athens for hair loss restoration are from abroad.
There is general agreement that Greece needs to upgrade the country’s tourism infrastructure and health services, so that medical services can be licensed within tourism facilities.
Commenting on the ministry plans, Seneca’s CEO has said it is necessary for the government to create a certification scheme for medical tourism in Greece, and provide subsidies to boost the sector in the country.
Elitour has teamed up with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels with plans to create travel packages offering health, spa and wellness tourism options. Elitour will work with Greek hotels to get certification for hotels providing specialised wellness services.
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