
栏目:旅游资讯  时间:2023-02-04


  There’s a new China travel restrictions update – COVID-19 restrictions are easing for international travellers to China.


  As of 8 January, you will no longer have to quarantine if you travel to China.


  However, you will still require a negative PCR test (taken in the last 48 hours) in order to enter the country.


  In this article we’ll cover:


  ? What visas are currently available for those wanting to travel to China?

  ? 目前有哪些签证可以为那些想去中国旅行的人提供?

  ? My visa has been granted, what next?

  ? 我的签证已经批下来了,接下来怎么办?

  ? List of things I need to enter China

  ? 我需要进入中国的物品清单

  ? Who can help me apply for a visa to China?

  ? 谁能帮我申请去中国的签证?

  ? And more!

  ? 还有更多!

  What visas are currently available for those wanting to travel to China?


  At present, it’s not possible to apply for every Chinese visa. The visas that are currently being granted include business, work, education and travelling family purposes visas.


  Is China granting tourist visas?


  Currently, China is not granting tourist visas.


  When will China reopen its borders to foreigners for tourist purposes?


  There has yet to be a specific date for China to open its borders to tourism. Therefore, tourists must wait until the China travel advisory is updated.


  As of 8 January, visitors to China can only enter for education, business, work, or family reasons.


  Currently, to travel to China you need to be in one of these categories:


  1.Having a valid Chinese work, family reunion, or study permit


  2.Having an APEC business travel card – you have to be a part of the APEC member nations


  3.Having a diplomatic, courtesy, service or C visa


  4.If you’re applying for any of the following Chinese visas:


  ? M – for trade or commercial activities

  ? M–用于贸易或商业活动

  ? Q – for visiting family that are Chinese citizens

  ? Q-代表探访中国公民的家庭

  ? R – for people who have skills that are needed in China

  ? R 是指具有中国所需要的技能的人

  ? S – for people who have family that are not Chinese citizens living in China, e.g. having a child or a spouse studying in China. The S visa can also be obtained for other personal reasons

  ? S ——指那些有非中国公民家庭的人,例如有孩子或配偶在中国学习。S签证也可以由于其他个人原因获得

  ? X1 – for studying in China for over 180 days

  ? X1-在中国学习超过180天

  ? Z – for working in China

  ? Z-在中国工作

  My visa has been granted, what’s next?


  You are now able to travel to a port of entry to China.


  However, make sure that as of now, you take a negative PCR test within 48 hours of travelling to China.

  但是,请确保目前为止,你在去中国的48小时内接受了阴性的 PCR 检测。

  What happens if I take a PCR test and it’s positive?

  如果我做了 PCR 检测,结果呈阳性怎么办?

  If this is the case you will have to postpone your travel to China.


  The China travel quarantine restrictions claim that if you test positive for COVID-19 while you’re in China and your symptoms are mild, you can


  Travelling by air is not only the most convenient but also the quickest way to get to China from other countries, hence why most people would consider this option.


  There are flights available from multiple cities, but they can often be limited so ensure you check with the airline you’d like to travel with the flight dates they have available.


  When you’re travelling to China it’s important that you bring all the documents you need with you to the port of entry so that you can present these at China’s border control.


  List of things I need to enter China


  When travelling to China ensure you have the following:


  ? Passport – ensure it’s valid for the duration of your stay

  ? 护照——确保它在你逗留期间有效

  ? Passport copies

  ? 护照复印件

  ? Another form of ID, e.g., driver’s licence

  ? 身份证的另一种形式,如驾驶执照

  ? Valid visa

  ? 有效签证

  ? Negative PCR test that’s been taken within the last 48 hours

  ? 过去48小时内进行的 PCR 检测呈阴性

  Some other things that can be useful to bring with you include:


  ? Face mask – in case it’s necessary

  ? 口罩-以防万一

  ? Although not mandatory, having travel insurance with you is a great idea

  ? 虽然不是强制性的,但是带上旅行保险是个好主意

  ? Cash in either Yuan or Dollars – so you can have for emergencies

  ? 用人民币或美元兑换现金,以备不时之需


  Who can help me apply for a visa to China?


  You can apply for a Chinese visa yourself, however, it can often be a lot of stress when you’re getting ready to set off on your trip – that’s where SFBC team comes in.


  We are group visa experts who can help you apply for your visa.


  Since China isn’t currently granting Tourist Visas, we cannot assist you with Tourist Visas until they become available once again.


  However, at SFBC, we can help you apply for a Chinese Business Visa or otherwise known as an M Visa. An M visa is ideal for short business trips.

  但是,在 SFBC,我们可以帮助您申请中国商务签证或者M签证。M 签证是短期商务旅行的理想选择。


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