
栏目:旅游资讯  时间:2023-01-19


  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Svalbard 斯瓦尔巴特群岛(挪威)

  If you're a fan of winter activities, but are in need of some sun, then perhaps a May trip to Svalbard is in order. 如果你热爱冬季运动,又想晒晒太阳的话,五月去斯瓦尔巴特群岛再合适不过了。

  It notes: 'The Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is located about 620 miles south of the North Pole. In late spring, the sun never dips below the horizon - meaning you can sponge up all the Vitamin D you desire.' 美国《国家地理》杂志写道:“挪威斯瓦尔巴特群岛位于北极点以南大约620英里(约合997公里)。在晚春,白天太阳会一直在地平线以上,你可以随心所欲地晒太阳吸收维生素D。”

  Popular activities in the area include hiking, iceberg kayaking and wildlife spotting. 徒步、冰山皮艇和观赏野生动植物都是该地区常见的活动。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Namibia 纳米比亚

  During spring, Namibia is pegged as the perfect destination with reduced travel costs and cooler evenings. 纳米比亚被誉为春季的最佳旅行地,旅行花费少,晚上也更凉爽。

  In late May, National Geographic Travel says that the watering holes start to dry up again, which lures giraffes and black rhinos from their hiding spots. 美国《国家地理》旅行版介绍说,五月末,水坑开始再度干涸,吸引着长颈鹿和黑犀牛从藏身之处走出来。

  If you're more of an adrenaline junkie, head to the Namib desert for a spot of sandboarding on the dunes. 如果你更喜欢探险,可以去纳米布沙漠的沙丘滑沙。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Japan 日本

  If you want to catch the wonderful cherry blossom season in Japan, National Geographic Travel says to head there between mid-January to May. 该杂志建议,如果你想去日本赏樱,最好在1月中旬到5月前往。

  Recommended activities include taking a dip in the hot springs in Kawazu and boating down the 'Kitakami River to Tenshochi Park where 10,000 cherry trees arc into irresistible pale pink avenues'. 推荐的旅行活动包括去河津泡温泉,沿着北上川乘船航行前往Tenshochi公园,公园中有一万棵樱树,排成诱人的淡粉色林荫道。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Upper Amazon, Peru 秘鲁亚马逊河上游

  For travellers looking for a sense of adventure, National Geographic Travel proposes a trip to the upper Amazon in Peru. 对于想冒险的旅行者来说,杂志推荐他们去秘鲁亚马逊河上游。

  It notes that by May, the water levels will have increased, allowing for 'improved navigation and cooler temperatures'. 杂志中说,这里的水位将在五月上涨,让游客的“航行体验更好,气温也更凉爽。”

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Israel 以色列

  If you're looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, National Geographic Travel says travellers should head to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter with thousands of pilgrims. 如果你正在寻找一生只有一次的旅行体验,杂志建议你去耶路撒冷,和数千名朝圣者一起庆祝复活节。

  If the crowds get too overwhelming, visitors are told to take a gondola ride to King Herod's 2,000-year-old Masada fortress or set off on a peaceful morning boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. 如果人太多,游客可以乘坐贡多拉小船去参观有两千年历史的希律王马察达要塞,或者在一个安宁的清晨出发,坐船去加利利海航行。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Columbia and Snake River 哥伦比亚和斯内克河

  To see North America's greatest concentration of waterfalls, head to the Snake and Columbia Rivers, which pass through Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. 如果想去北美瀑布最密集的地方游览,就去哥伦比亚河和斯内克河吧,这两条河流流经俄勒冈州、爱达华州和华盛顿州。

  National Geographic Travel says that the waterway is best visited in spring when 'winter melt ensures a thunderous show'. 杂志称这些河流的最佳游览时节是春季,此时“冬季冰雪融化,景色颇为壮观”。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  The Seychelles 塞舌尔群岛

  The Seychelles are 'a lot more than seashells and tropical fish and powdery sand', says National Geographic Travel. 杂志称,塞舌尔群岛“不仅仅有贝壳、热带鱼和细沙”。

  It highlights that the archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean is home to granite cliffs and 100-foot-tall palm trees, wild tortoises, and 275 species of birds. 杂志着重指出,位于印度洋的塞舌尔群岛共有115个小岛,这里有花岗岩峭壁和100英尺(约合30米)高的棕榈树、野生乌龟和275种鸟类。

  In April, the seasonal shift in trade winds promises cool breezes with a high of around 29 degrees Celsius - perfect for beach days and evening outdoor dining. 4月份,信风的季节转换让你在大约29摄氏度的天气中还能感受到阵阵凉风,最适合去沙滩以及晚间户外用餐。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  East coast of Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡东岸

  Sri Lanka's east coast is best explored by boat, according to National Geographic Travel. 杂志介绍说,斯里兰卡东岸最适合乘船游览。

  It notes that on canoe tours through Pottuvil Lagoon, paddlers can scan the mangroves for lizards, macaques, water buffalo, crocodiles, and if they're lucky, an elephant or two. 在波士威尔泻湖乘独木舟游览,你可以尽览红树林,看到蜥蜴、猕猴、水牛和鳄鱼的身影,运气好的时候还能遇到一两头大象。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Colombia 哥伦比亚

  National Geographic Travel highlights that round-trip air tickets from the US to Colombia are 'tantalizingly inexpensive' at the moment. 杂志称,此时从美国往返哥伦比亚的机票“非常便宜”。

  It recommends hitting Medellín - nicknamed the City of Eternal Spring - for milder weather, rich hot chocolate, and tango clubs. 它推荐人们去麦德林市,这里被誉为“常春之城”,气候温和,巧克力热饮味道香浓,探戈舞俱乐部值得一游。

  《国家地理》评出2018年度最佳春季旅游目的地 来源:每日邮报网站截图

  Panama 巴拿马

  Costa Rica and the Caribbean often overshadow Panama, but travellers should consider checking the central American country out if they want a 'less-crowded paradise'. 哥斯达黎加和加勒比海经常让巴拿马黯然失色,但旅行者如果想去“人群不太拥挤的度假天堂”,就要考虑一下去巴拿马了。

  Cash rich travellers are advised to book a swanky cabana in the Pearl Islands, but for the more budget-conscious there's always the option of 'roughing it' in tiny Santa Catalina on Panama's Pacific coast. 杂志建议资金充裕的旅行者在珍珠岛预订一个时髦的小屋,预算紧张的旅行者可以“因陋就简”,在巴拿马太平洋海岸的圣卡塔利娜小岛选择住处。

  The travel site reveals: 'Here, horses are still the primary mode of transportation, the stargazing is exquisite, the Wi-Fi is delightfully shoddy, and local fisherman serve fresh seafood and plantains from their home kitchens for roughly $6 a plate.' 杂志网站上写道:“这里主要的交通运输工具还是马车,眺望星空让人沉醉,无线信号略微不佳。当地的渔民出售自家做的新鲜海鲜和大蕉,大约6美元(约合37元人民币)一盘。”


  英文来源:每日邮报 翻译&编辑:yaning

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