The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New O
Terence McDonagh: Shoot him again. Deshaun 'Midget' Hackett: What for? Terence McDonagh: His soul is still dancing. [laughs hysterically] Share this quote Terence McDonagh: You think fish have dreams? Share this quote Terence McDonagh: [Hallucinating] What are these fuckin' iguanas doing on my coffee table. Stevie Pruit: There ain't no iguana. Terence McDonagh: ...Yeah, there are. Stevie Pruit: There ain't no iguana. Terence McDonagh: What the fuck is that? [taps it] Terence McDonagh: Fuckin' iguana. Share this quote Terence McDonagh: Is this the same police force my father was in? Share this quote Terence McDonagh: [to a man stuck in a cell as the water rises above his neck] You want me to get wet? On account of you? Share this quote Terence McDonagh: You don't have a lucky crack pipe? Share this quote Terence McDonagh: I'll kill all of you. To the break of dawn. To the break of dawn, baby. Share this quote Terence McDonagh: Hey, did I ever tell you the story about the [expletive] Terence McDonagh: Elk? [expletive] Terence McDonagh: Elk? Yeah? I was watching TV - the game, right? Renaldo Hayes? He got tossed the ball and he was running with it, he was running running running. He jumped over three linebackers in mid-air. He sprouted antlers! Like a gazelle? Like an elk? He landed again - he ran ran ran - He scored a touch-down! Share this quote Terence McDonagh: [a dog is barking in the distance as Terrence approaches the house] Hey! What's wrong? Genevieve: Your father's mad at me 'cause I can't take care of his fucking dog... Terence McDonagh: Well why does he need you to take care of it? Genevieve: Cause! He's goin' back into AA. He says he can deal with anymore responsibilities bsides he said he's gotta stop drinking. I mean, it ain't like I don't wanna take care of it... but I leave at seven o'clock in the morning to go to work! Terence McDonagh: Let me talk to him. Genevieve: I try to be a good wife to him, Terrence. I really do. But I got a limit too! You know, he's got a drinking problem, he says he's got a drinking problem and he wants to do something about it and that's good. You know, he's been down this road before and it didn't take... he wants to try it again. GOOD. But I... I say to him "why don't you just stick to beer the way I do" but he says he can't do that. Share this quote Terence McDonagh: You know we got your boy, G, right? Deshaun 'Midget' Hackett: Man, I don't know no G. Terence McDonagh: He knows you. It's amazing how much you can get done when you've got a simple purpose guiding you through life. My purpose is to find out who shot up this apartment on Josephine. I know the guy that was living there was from Senegal. I know he was selling heroin. I know whose territory he was stepping on. And I know who went over to the apartment to straighten him out. I found out all that in the past few days. Where's Big Fate, son? Deshaun 'Midget' Hackett: I don't know no Big Fate. Terence McDonagh: Now, see, I know that's not true, because everybody who comes from where you come from knows who Big Fate is. The fact that you're lying to me about it tells me you're hiding something. Since you know my only reason for being here is to find out who shot up the apartment, I know that's what you're hiding. See? It all comes back to that same simple purpose. Share this quote Frankie Donnenfeld: Just get me my money. Justin: I usually pay when I'm done. Terence McDonagh: Done smacking her around? Justin: It's erotic shit, man. I didn't hurt her. Terence McDonagh: [Throws him against the wall] Just like I'm not hurting you. Justin: Did I hurt-did I hurt you? Frankie Donnenfeld: Terence, let's just go. Terence McDonagh: We don't hit women down south. Justin: You just made a big mistake, Terry. My father's Andy Winnick. You ever hear of him? Terence McDonagh: Who? Justin: One of the biggest developers in the Gulf Coast. Terence McDonagh: Congratulations. Justin: Tommy Leonardi's one of his best friends. Terence McDonagh: Hey, listen to me, scumbag. Don't try to impress me with your father knows some guinea hood. What you've got to take away from this experience is if you ever see that girl again, you turn around and you walk in the opposite direction. You got that? Justin: Oh, yeah, man. Yeah. Terence McDonagh: I ever hear about you so much as looking at that girl, you're gonna wish you were born without a dick. Share this quote Terence McDonagh: Deoxyribonucleic acid! Share this quote
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