喵星人征服世界:伯明翰冠军猫展 猫咪大聚会
Boasting [w]lavishly[/w] decorated pens and exotic names like Bleugems Believe-in-me and Peter Purrfect, these are no ordinary moggies. 住在华丽装饰的围栏里面,拥有异域风情的名字(像“Bleugems相信我”和“完美呜呜皮特”),这些可都不是一般的猫。
From a feline boasting a [w]lustrous[/w] coat of perfectly coiffed fur, to a distinctive sphynx cat without so much as a [w]solitary[/w] whisker, Birmingham played host to over a thousand [w]pampered[/w] pets at the 2012 Supreme Championship Cat Show. 从拥有顺滑且光泽的皮毛的猫,到特立独行没有一点胡子的斯芬克斯猫,伯明翰举办的2012年度冠军猫展吸引了超过一千只养尊处优的高贵猫。
Cat-lovers from all over the country brought their furry friends to the NEC to enter them in the annual show, which is one of the biggest cat fancies in Europe.来自不同国家的爱猫者,带着他们毛茸茸的朋友来到国际展览中心参加猫展,这是欧洲地区最大的爱猫人天堂之一。
Unusual: This sphynx cat was just one of the exotic breeds entered in the show, which is run by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.不寻常:这只斯芬克斯猫就是参展的一只异域来猫,由猫展理事会推荐。
Bundles of fluff: Doting cat owner Rosa Wardle shows off her pet Blue Snowman, left, while Yvette Barber holds up her Tabby Colourpoint [w]Firecracker[/w] at the Supreme Championship Cat Show. 绒毛团团:猫主人罗莎·沃德尔十分溺爱猫,她展示了她的宠物蓝雪人(左),而右边理发师伊维特则带着她的爆竹虎斑猫来参加冠军猫展。
Pre-show prep: A cat named Peter Purrfect stretches ahead of the event.展前准备:一只名为“完美呜呜皮特”的猫在展前伸懒腰。
Pampered: One of the entrants plays with its accessories inside its lavishly decorated pen.养尊处优:一只参展猫在玩儿它的围栏里的华丽装饰品。
[w]Wacky[/w]: A cat named Bostin' Buddy is seen in its pen decorated with a tiger face at the show in Birmingham. 古怪:在伯明翰的会场中,一只名为“伯斯丁老兄”的猫在展览中住的是一间装饰虎脸的围栏。
Hairless: The rare sphynx cat, one of many breeds spotted at the Supreme Championship Cat Show, is famous for its lack of coat. 无毛:罕见的斯芬克斯猫在冠军猫展上是比较常见的品种,以毛少出名。
[w]Assessment[/w]: A judge inspects one of the pets entered in the Supreme Cat Show.评估:一个检察员在检查进入猫展的猫。
Travelling in style: Two of the entrants are pushed around in a double cat carrier on wheels, left, while Venus the Birman, right, shows off its impressive [w=fang]fangs[/w].独特旅行:左图是两只坐着双人轮车被推进来的参展猫,右图则展示了一只叫维纳斯的伯曼猫那令人胆寒的獠牙。
Vying for the [w]trophy[/w]: Pet owners brought their cats from all over the country to take part in the competition.争夺奖杯:来自各个国家的宠物主人都来此参赛。
Burmese, Persian, Oriental and Siamese breeds were all entered into this year's contest.来自缅甸、波斯、亚洲以及暹罗不同猫的品种都参与了今年的比赛。
This wide-eyed cat is an Australian Mist, which is still a relatively new breed in the UK.这只大眼猫的品种是澳大利亚薄雾猫,在英国还是相对新的品种。
A judge holds up a snow spotted Bengal cat for a closer look.一位检察员仔细检查这只身上有雪花斑点的孟加拉猫。
上一篇:电影《盲战》5月1日登陆云影院 安志杰演绎爆裂硬汉
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