火影忍者 (2005)
advertisement [repeated line] Naruto Uzumaki: I'm not going to take back my words. That's my way of the ninja! Kakashi: [about Sasuke's new technique] You'll wet your pants. Rock Lee: A dropout will beat a genius through hard work. Kakashi: [introducing himself to his students for the first time] I am Hatake Kakashi. I have no intentions of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dream... I have few hobbies. Naruto Uzumaki: Believe it! Kakashi: Uh, Naruto, your speech was cool and all, but if you lose any more blood, you're going to die. Sakura: NARUTO RUN... YOU'RE GONNA GET KILLED. Kakashi Hatake: Too late... Konoha's hidden village secret taijutsu technique [sticks fingers in Naruto's butt] Kakashi Hatake: ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN! Naruto Uzumaki: GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Naruto Uzumaki: [When Naruto falls for an obvious trap and is struggling about. Kakashi is telling him that a ninja must see through deception] I get it I get it! Kakashi: No, you don't get it, thats why I'm telling you. You think you get it, which isn't the same as actually getting it. Get it? Gaara of the Desert: Shut up... or I'll kill you. [after Haku appearingly kills Sasuke] Naruto Uzumaki: I won't forgive you! [the Nine Tails chakra bursts out of him] Naruto Uzumaki: I'll rip you apart! Itachi Uchiha: [to Sasuke] Foolish little brother... If you wish to kill me, curse me! Hate me! And survive your miserable life... Run away, run away... Cling to life. Gaara of the Desert: [mentally speaking to his 'mother' during the Chunnin Tournament] [fansub version] Gaara of the Desert: Yeah... I'm going to tear him apart. Then drag it out... What, you ask? The insides, of course. A lot comes out, right? [chuckles] Gaara of the Desert: I'll give them all to you. I'm always a good boy. Yes, let's do it. Mom, I'll watch. Naruto Uzumaki: Everyone... everyone... has risked their lives to come after you! Sasuke Uchiha: Well, how good for them Deidara: Art is... with a BANG! [when kidnapping Naruto] Kisame Hoshigaki: Hmm... Itachi... it would be annoying if he moved around a lot. Perhaps we should cut off a leg or two? Hinata Hyuga: [explaining why she refuses to withdraw from her fight with Neji, despite the fact that he is trying to kill her] The boy that I have watched for so long is finally watching me. And in front of him, I can't bear to lose. Itachi Uchiha: Go away. You don't interest me at the moment. Sasuke Uchiha: [clenches fist] WELL GET INTERESTED! Itachi Uchiha: [to Sasuke, who he has pinned to the wall] You are still too weak. You don't have enough hate. And you know something? [leans in and whispers] Itachi Uchiha: You never will.
下一篇:《深海之战》登贺岁档 河智苑吴智昊上演生死恋
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