Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Chri
advertisement Beast: [recovering from slipping on the ice] I fell, and landed on my... [looks at his bottom, then hides it with his cape] Beast: on, on the ice. Belle: No one can forbid Christmas. Chip: Belle, what's Christmas? Belle: Oh, Chip, you must know about Christmas. Stockings in front of the fire. Tree? Tinsle? Presents? Chip: Presents! Will I get one? Belle: Of course, Chip, everyone gets presents. Chip: Aw, even the master? Belle: Yes, even the master. Lumiere: And you said it was impossible! Angelique: No, no no. I said it was impossible without me. Forte: So, Beast gets girl and it's a happy ending for everyone. Enchantment lifted and Forte fades into the background, no longer important, no longer needed. *I think not!* [looking out the window] Fife: Wow! Will you look at that! Forte: Well, I think I might. I'll just pick myself up and... oh! What's this? Heavens! I'M BOLTED TO THE WALL! Angelique: [singing] As long as there's Christmas, I truly believe that hope is the greatest of the gifts we receive. Chip: Doesn't look so special to me. Belle: Oh, Chip, I'm sorry. Nothing's changed. Angelique: I told you nothing would change. I told you the master would not allow this. I told you Christmas was a hopeless folly. But, I was wrong. [singing] Angelique: When I felt lost and lonely, not a dream in my head, your words lifted my spirits high. Remember what you said: As long as there's Christmas, I truly believe that hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll receive. As long as our guiding star shines above... Belle: [at the same time as Angelique] That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll recieve. As long as our guiding star shines above... Angelique: There'll always be Christmas. Belle: So there always will be a time when the world is filled with peace and love. [Belle,Chip,and Luminere are climbing up a long and narrow staircase] Chip: 1,001. 1,002. 1,003.Are we there yet? Belle: Not yet. Chip: Oh boy there are sure a lot of steps here! 1,007. 1,008. 1,009. 1,010... Belle: It's a Yule log. It's a wonderful tradition. A log is chosen, and everyone puts their hand on it and makes a special Christmas wish. Beast: Wishes are stupid. You made a Christmas wish last year. Is this what you wished for? Belle: No. But I will keep wishing. And when the log is burnt on Christmas morning-- Beast: There will BE no Christmas. Belle: But-- Beast: [shouts] NO! I am the master here! Belle: How can you be so selfish? You think I'm a prisoner? The only one who's holding us prisoner here is you. Well I'm not giving up! Chip: That's not a tree! That's a weed wishin' it was a tree! Enchantress: You have been deceived by your own cold heart--a curse upon your house and all within it. [The enchantress puts the spoiled prince and everyone under a spell] Enchantress: Until you have found someone to love you as you are, you shall remain forever a beast. Angelique: [as she guards the dining room] No, no, no, no, no, no, no! They cannot mix bells with holly. Although, I have to admit, not bad for amateurs. [The beast apporahces the dining room and wrecks everything in anger, and leaves, Angelique comes out of hiding] Angelique: [solemnly] I knew this was hopeless. Fife: Maestro! Stop, What do you think you're doing? Forte: Don't you see, Fife? They can't fall in love if they're DEAD! Fife: [furiously] I'll tell you what I see: a big whole windbag! [Fife laughs nervously] Forte: [plays loud music] You could've joined me, Fife! But I saved my triumph as a solo act! [Forte laughs evilly as Fife notices a single blank music sheet] Fife: My solo--it's blank! Forte: So nice. You're such a pity, Fife, an that's all you'll ever be! [plays loud music again]
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