
栏目:影视资讯  时间:2022-10-29

  据Google新闻报道,韩国导演朴赞郁拍摄了世界上第一部iPhone电影,它并非是关于iPhone的电影,确切地说,它是完全用iPhone拍摄的电影。电影定名为《波澜万丈》(《Night Fishing》),这部电影看起来和传统的电影拥有同样的影画质量,但是区别在于,这部电影仅用了10天创作,预算为133,000美元,仅有80名演职人员参与。


  Director claimed that initially he approached the idea of the movie just for fun. The main plot is related to the surreal encounter between a female medium (called a shaman) and a fisherman. The director of this 30 minute movie also claimed that he likes to test technology features because they are both wonderful and fun. He also added that making this movie was a new experience compared to the old feeling of planning a movie from scratch and that every shot would come with a new surprise.


  It took 2 iPhones to shoot this movie and scenes were recorded from different angles and, the funniest part yet is that members of the staff also helped shooting by pulling out their own iPhones. PROne, the public relation agency representing the director said that the iPhone movie could be the first of its kind ever shown in cinemas. While Park Chan-Wook affirmed that this movie would only be interesting at the moment, he also said that in due time, actors and stories on screen will still play a more important part and be seen accordingly.


  Something even more interesting is that KT Corp which is the only iPhone selling agent in South Korea and managed to sell about 1.8 million units has agreed to partially part the film. People interested in seeing the movie will be able to do so for only 4 days as it will be available in cinemas nationwide starting with the 27th of January.

  更有趣的是,韩国电信公司(KT Corp)是全韩唯一的iPhone销售代理商,成功售出了180万部iPhone,同时,也投资了这部电影,(译者注:本句子让我捉摸不定,从字面上来看,有点像是没参与意思,但是Google发现,KT确实全资赞助,请高手指定)这部电影将于1月27日在韩国全国上映,映期却仅为四天,对这部电影感兴趣的朋友们到时就有眼福了。

