ye! wow! ye!wow! ye!wow! ye!wow!
ye! wow! ye!wow! ye!wow! ye!wow!
welcome to the fantastic world
welcome to the fantastic world
can yo feel that ah ~
can yo feel that ah ~
?~?~?~?~ wow keep it real
Ye~Ye~Ye~Ye~~ wow keep it real
it's da fresh the fresh yes ?? ? muzic
it's da fresh the fresh yes这就是我的muzic
like like like the superman ?? ???
like like like the superman和我四目相对
???? ?? ?? ?????
?? ? ???? ???? ??? ? man
i can't stop ?? ? ??? ???
i can't stop 从现在开始我已经不是一个人了
? ?? ?? ???? ma fam(big bang)
我身后有相信我依赖我的ma fam(bigbang)
thank you ??? ? ?? i'm buckwild (G.D)
thank you 没有社么可畏惧的i'm buckwild(G.D)
??? ??? ????
? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ???
?? ?? ? ??? ??? ???
??? 6? ?? ??? ??
? ?? ? ???? ? ?? ???
keep going keep going keep going (whooo)
keep going keep going keep going (whooo)
?? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ???
??? ??? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ???? (hey)
跟着感觉走,后面有我罩着,一起喊 (hey)
big bang b.i.g big bang v.i.p ?? ??
big bang b.i.g big bang v.i.p 现在你也是
be famous b.i.g big bang
be famous b.i.g big bang
let's get it on boy we are V.I.P!
let's get it on boy we are V.I.P!
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P
who's the V.I.P(rap in the V.I.P)
who's the V.I.P(rap in the V.I.P)
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P
who's the V.I.P (g.d is V.I.P)
who's the V.I.P (g.d is V.I.P)
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P
who's the V.I.P (y.g V.I.P)
who's the V.I.P (y.g V.I.P)
we are V.I.P rock the M.I.C
we are V.I.P rock the M.I.C
who's the V.I.P (let's go T.O.P)
who's the V.I.P (let's go T.O.P)
hellow ma fellas ?????
hellow ma fellas 乱七八糟
???? ?? ? ? ? ?? ??
? rap??? ??? ???? ? ????
??? 2nd round i'm TOP.(he's like a fire)
等着吧.2nd round i'm TOP(he's like a fire)
? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? nasty?? ??? crazy??? uh!
??? ???? ?!
?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ??
??? ??? ?.?????
??? ??? style boy
惹我的话凶猛的style boy
???? ??? style boy
像冰一样冷的style boy
???? ??? style boy
女人为之着迷的style boy
??? ?? ??? ???? you know i'm saying
开启心门直接接受吧you know what i'm saying
?? ?? freak out(whoo!)
让开,使劲freak out(whoo!)
??? ??? ??? ? ?? ??
hey lady(what?) hey felllas(um!)
hey lady(what?) hey felllas(um!)
put your hands in the air everybody drop Big bang!
put your hands in the air everybody drop Big bang!
b.i.g big bang v.i.p ?? ??
b.i.g big bang v.i.p 现在你也是
be famous b.i.g big bang
be famous b.i.g big bang
let's get it on boy we are V.I.P!
let's get it on boy we are V.I.P!
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P who's the V.I.P
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P who's the V.I.P
(?? is V.I.P)
(胜利 is V.I.P)
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P who's the V.I.P
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P who's the V.I.P
(?? V.I.P)
(大成 V.I.P)
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P who's the V.I.P (?? is vip)
we are V.I.P we are V.I.P who's the V.I.P (太阳 is vip)
we are V.I.P rock the M.I.C who's the V.I.P (bigbang is V.I.P)
we are V.I.P rock the M.I.C who's the V.I.P (bigbang is V.I.P)
it's like that ya'll put your hands up it's like that ya'll
it's like that ya'll put your hands up it's like that ya'll
say what~~? bigbang is V.I.P
say what~~? bigbang is V.I.P
下一篇:世界十大钢琴家 全球最著名的钢琴演奏家
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