
栏目:影视资讯  时间:2022-10-29


  The furthest distance in the world is when you finally becomesomeone else's gentle wife while I'm still waiting for you.


  Under the sky in April and June, when the sun is shining, tearsalready flowing wanton irreparable separation, singing too much aboutyou, me, her past scene, scattered in the distance of the distanthorizon, silently watching them go away, those who do not want toshade.


  Flowers bloom in four seasons, the sea water of memory is full offragrance, the color of the distance is sculpting our most beautifultreasure.


  You and I have never stopped me from chasing you across mountainsand rivers, but now there is a distance between us, a distance THAT Ican never cross in my life.


  Fingers desolate, the broken things buried deep, hidden in theyears of smoke, running in sadness, put me in the fog, and finally isa long distance mountain river, years safe and sound, who promisesyears will be quiet, who promises years will be eternal, whisperingin sadness when to stop?


  Something I've missed all my life. When I met you, my smile wasstill beautiful. Looks like there's only one step between you and me.


  Give me a reason not to expect you any more, and the more I wantto love, the most painful distance is you are not by my side, so THATI can bear the loneliness alone.


  There is a kind of keep together, not hand in hand, but across adistance silently staring and blessing of the world of mortals.


  The world of mortals is too deep, the years are too heavy, nolingering love, no commitment. I can only stare at you far away,looking at the world of mortals, hope the years quiet good, and yougrow old together.


  This is the distance of the world of mortals, this is theseparation of clouds and wind. Not do not want to love, nor do notlove, fear of love is also a kind of injury.


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