ride 游乐设施
my favorite ride is the 我喜欢坐
we went on loads of rides
bumper car / dodgem碰碰车
Ferris wheel 摩天轮
merry-go-round /carousel 旋转木马
flume ride激流勇进
corsair 海盗船
roller coaster 过山车
sb/sth sucks /rocks 很差劲 /棒极了
single-minded 专心致志的
one-pointed mind? n.
one-track mind? n.
be fixed on 对……偏执
good call 正确的选择
rotten egg 大坏蛋
make a beeline for sb/sth 径直而去
there is no cigarette smoking here 禁止吸烟
dude 哥们
fluffy 毛茸茸的 toy 毛绒玩具
all sb gotta do to do is (to)do sth
my goodness/gosh 表示强烈的惊讶
i sure hope + 句子 我真希望
pick one's pocket 扒窃某人的包
misplace 乱放,错放
file a police report 备案
jump the gun (about sth)?对……操之过急
rush into sth 草率做事
try one's luck/fortune
take a chance on sth
roll the dice骰子 on sth
take pot luck 碰运气
cancel credit cards挂失信用卡
describe it
name items in
might have lost it somewhere
debit card 借记卡
turn in/over 上交
upshot 结局
in anticipation of sth 预计到
bottom right corner
=in the flash =in an instant
normal routine 日常生活
sleep in 睡过头
stuff your face with food
to-do list 待办事项
BMX bike 越野车
this a list of my artistic activities that i want to get through on vacation
get in/hang out/be tight with a rough crowed 与不好的人交往
a white supremacist 白人至上主义
toiletries 洗漱用品
video chat with sb视频通话
don't rush me,i'm on it
a hardbound collection of …… 精装版本
get a move on 快点
take a makeup test 参加补考
original 真迹的
quad 四方场地
wander off 走散
swap meet 跳蚤市场
i get worried 我留了个心眼
Nobel laureate 诺贝尔奖获得者
load money on the card 充值
top up the card
cashier 收银员
sb be in violation of 违背
school rules 校规
snorkeling 浮潜
scuba diving 深潜
fencing club击剑社团
fencing mask 防护面罩
society 社团
sign on the dotted line签名同意
come along赶快,一起去,到达,出现,进展,进步
ace/eis/ 在……中取的好成绩
get sb on the squad 编入啦啦队
what do you say 你觉得怎么样
you have to offer me sth pretty sweet compete with my afternoon bath ‘n’ snack
party V.狂欢
think long and hard=think over
have one's mind set on doing?决定好做
make up one's mind
owe me one 你欠我一个人情
lame 乏味的
a? bunch of immature boys trying to impress you with how cool they are when they're really just a bunch of dorks
back in the day 曾经
i don't want to be part of sth
at first basic medicine then i switched to clinical medicine at the end?of my second year.
sb be a/an ……?major
sb has a bachelor/master/doctor's degree in …from …
have a major/minor in 主/辅修
it was either A or B, but i just want to
be fully unemployable 完全找不到工作
be not thrilled with 不开心
may i have the honor of one's presence at dinner
we should do sth sometime
foodie 吃货
=be ignorant of sth
=be in the dark here
be mistaken for 被误认为是
sb's favorite pastime be
i have a passion for
you're so single-minded. we've already ridden it four times
let's not get ahead of ourselves. we can check the lost and found first
vacations always seems to end in a blink of an eye
my kids had a blast in countryside but for me the life in the? city took the cake
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