坏家伙 (2004)
Cuthbert Gibbons: From now on, Tozzi here is gonna be your new best friend. Freshy: But none of my friends look like him. Freshy: I'll
do anything. Gibbons: Okay, let me tell you... Freshy: I don't care, I'll do it. Mike Tozzi: Shut up so he can tell you. Freshy: He doesn't have to tell me. Whatever it is, I'll do it. Gibbons and Tozzi: Shut up! Stanley: You sleep with them? Freshy: With who? Stanley: The actresses. Freshy: The actresses? Of course not. It's strictly a business relationship. Stanley: You can't even get laid by porn actresses? That makes me sad. I don't even like you and that makes me sad. Stanley: (to Tozzi) Hey, where do you think you're going? Mike: To the john. Stanley: Parking lot. Mike: This is strictly a sit down operation. Mike: If I find out you're lying I'm gonna cut you loose. Freshy: I'm not lying. And you wouldn't cut me loose, Mike. Mike: Oh yeah? What makes you so sure. Freshy: Because you have a hard on for my sister. Mike: Do you have something I can munch on? Gina: You have a sick mind. Mike: I'm talking about food! Mike: I'm a humanitarion. Gina: Oh, yeah. Saint Viagra. Gina: I'd pay a million bucks to live in Jersey. Mike: Yeah, well, I'd pay a million bucks to get out of it right now. Gibbons: He's banging her. He's undercover and he's banging her! Butters: You know, your partner has some trouble with intimacy. I didn't even hear him say goodbye when he left. Gina regretted giving into him so quickly. Gibbons: Thank you, Dr. Ruth. Gibbons: (to Mike) You don't get enough chances in real life to be an asshole, you have to be one on the job, too? Gibbons: Where'd you buy this shit, Radio Shack? Butters: Yeah, some of it. Butters: (after Gibbon snaps at him) He forgets his perscription and it's MY fault? [Stanley is checking out a maniquinn in a department store] Bells: Stanley, it's wood. Stanley: She's got a nice face. Gina: Yeah. Mike: Yeah, what? Gina: I get a discount. Does that make you hot? Gibbons: Call for back up! Butters: Oh, yeah. Wait until there's screaming before you call for back up. Bells: Listen to the mouth on this one, Mikey. And they call her brother Freshy. Stanley: Can't you figure out how to use this stuff? Gibbons: Yeah, if you hadn't of thrown the guy who knows how to work it off at fifth avenue.
: I wanna try something. Gina: We're in chains, isn't that kinky enough for you? Mike: Gibbs, you're alive. Gibbons: That explains the overwhelming joy I feel right now.
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