新冠时期的爱情|Love in a time of uncertainty
Couples around the world are facing difficulties as countries impose strict quarantine measures and travel restrictions to fight for the spread of COVID-19.
While some have chosen to separate, others found that the outbreak made their relationship stronger and made them cherish their lovers even more.
因为突如其来的疫情,住在新西兰海港首都惠灵顿的亨尼·安塞尔(Henny Ansell)和男友,经历着“同城异地”的状态。
Henny Ansell and Michael Bryan live in Wellington, the harbor-side capital of New Zealand. Due to the lockdown in New Zealand to stop the spread of Covid-19, for the next month, the couple won't be able to see each other face-to-face.
"At first, we didn't really understand the rules set by the government. We kind of thought, it will be fine, we'll be able to see each other once or twice a week. It's very tempting (to meet up), and it's frustrating because it's like, oh surely we could just meet up and hug. But you can't -- that destroys the whole purpose of it (lockdown)." Ansell told CNN journalist Bryan, who has been with her boyfriend for five years.
They will spend the next few weeks chatting virtually, even though they only live around eight kilometers (five miles) apart. They already text each other good morning and night, and instead of in-person dates, they watch Netflix shows apart and discuss them later.
In the UK, 21-year-old James Marsh and his girlfriend Kiera Leaper were due to celebrate their one-year anniversary on Monday.However, the country is now locked down.
The couple -- who study together at the University of Leeds -- had seen the lockdown might be coming. When it looked like the country could go into lockdown, the couple squeezed in one last hangout before Marsh quarantined at home. The lockdown is set to continue for at least three weeks."We normally see each other every day, we stay with each other pretty much every night," Marsh said. "To go from that to this is obviously quite a big change."
"This will be the longest time we've gone without seeing each other since we've been officially together," he said.
But the couple found some way out. They FaceTime every day, and spend time together with their friends through online chat platform
"Houseparty". They're trying to keep themselves busy -- Marsh with his course work, and Leaper devoted herself to exercise.
But there are challenges, Marsh and many of his friends are in the final months of their Bachelor's degree courses, and they won't get time to celebrate. It's a pity they won't have enough time to reunite.
Online chat programs are helpful for keeping Marsh and girlfriend connected, but it's not the same thing as spending time together in the same room.
Even so, he thinks this time apart will improve their relationship.
Marsh thinks it's more mature to be able to handle things when two people are apart. If you want to be together for the long term, you can't always rely on your partner, Marsh said.
Someone might get a job that requires them to leave for work for a long stretch of time, for example, in which case you have to learn to be alone.
对于30岁的伊泽贝尔·尤因(Isobel Ewing)来说,四月本应迎来一线曙光。
3月11日,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)宣布禁止来自欧洲的旅客入境,雪上加霜的是,几天后,匈牙利对外国旅客关闭了边境,这意味着他们的计划被搁置。
April was meant to be the "silver lining behind the cloud" for Isobel Ewing, who had been in a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend.
Ewing, a broadcast journalist, moved to Budapest, Hungary in mid-January. She had been looking forward to April, a time which she could finally see her boyfriend, who she has been dating for almost two years, again.
This reunion could be the first time they met in months. Her boyfriend, Sam Smoothy, had been in North America for a few months, and had planned to come and spend time with her in Hungary.
But the coronavirus has stopped those plans. After President Donald Trump announced on March 11 that he was banning travel from continental Europe to the U.S., a few days later, Hungary closed its borders to foreigners, totally destroying their plans. Now, Smoothy has detoured to New Zealand and was in quarantine at Ewing's family home for his vacation.
Ewing stayed in Budapest due to the work. In her spare time, she went jogging on the hills by the Danube, and they did not know when they would meet again. "With long distance you get used to being apart," Ewing said. "But it's so key to have that time together to look forward to. "
For three years, Anika, 32, has wanted to marry her partner, but unexpected things kept getting in the way.
Finally, the New Delhi-based couple set their dates.
They would register their marriage in court on March 20, hold a big dance party on April 10 with 400 people, and then have the wedding ceremony on April 12.
The coronavirus has forced them to change their plans.
As the Indian government began taking more measures -- including suspending all tourist visas -- the couple grew more worried about their wedding.
Finally, they decided they would get married on March 20, and hold a small ceremony after the court proceedings. "That entire week was pretty traumatic," Anika said, adding that they ended up uninviting guests to keep numbers down to 30 or so people for social distancing purposes. "We were sending last-minute messages just apologizing to people."
In the end, it was a sweet, intimate wedding, Anika says. They understood the crisis outside -- the couple updated their wedding hashtag to #loveinthetimeofcorona, and kept sanitizing the wedding space.
Even though it wasn't the wedding they had dreamed of, Anika and her husband didn't want to postpone it. In India, it's not culturally acceptable for couples to live together before marrying. Now, the couple has gone straight into each other's lives -- under lockdown. They don't want to postpone their marriage again.
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