Feelings, slowly product will understand;The heart, look carefully to understand.See good is to please, feel good is really good.
I will use my far-fetched smile, live no one can be more proud.
人心难测,人心难防。 路边的人渣摩拳擦掌。 三下五除二, 我阴沟里翻船。
Every man's heart is unpredictable. Scum on the side of the road rubbing their hands. Three times five times two, my sewer capsized.
I'm not waiting for you to like me, I'm waiting for I don't like you.
As long as you're here, nothing else matters.
Timesong has experienced the change of The Times, after leaving the war, leaving only himself and his monologue.
Sister sister I love you, can not control to find you, accidentally scared you, night dream of you, swear to catch up with you.
In the midnight.Only in the tube of grievance, also let it bury the bottom of my heart do not want to disturb anyone!
I, will not cry, will not laugh, tired I will disappear.
I love you not because you give me what I need, but because you give me feelings I never had.
每晚睡觉前听你说晚安 是属于我的最简单而持久的幸福 ,别在意别人异地恋的结果,我们向往的是永恒!
Hearing you say good night before going to bed every night is the most simple and lasting happiness for me, don't care about the result of long-distance relationship, we are yearning for eternity!
God doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve better.
Even if ENDURE loneliness, I don't care, you happy every day, is also my happiness.
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