Word of the Day: October 28, 2022
noun /yoo-TOH-pee-uh/ [jutopi]
What It Means
The word utopia refers to “a place of ideal perfection,” with the perfection in question often pertaining to laws, government, and social conditions.
Utopia 指的是“理想完美的地方”,这里所说的完美通常与法律、政府和社会条件等问题有关。
UTOPIA in Context
“This year’s Essence Festival activation plans to be bigger, more immersive, and further integrated than ever before. Centered around the idea of a Black utopia, Afrotropolis 3.0 will be an innovative 360-degree wonderland curated to intersect Black culture, creativity, artistry and technology with exciting opportunities for festival attendees to discover, explore, and further build their network.” — Black Enterprise, 5 July 2022
“今年的Essence Festival activation plans 比以往任何时候都还大的、更有沉浸感的、更深入地融合的。围绕 Black utopia 的理念,Afrotropolis 3.0 将是一个360-degree 的创意仙境,将Black culture, creativity, artistry and technology 融为一体,为电影节的参与者们提供发现、探索及进一步建立令他们兴奋的网络世界。”
Her vision of utopia was a world where no one ever went hungry or lived in fear of war.
Did You Know?
There’s quite literally no place like utopia. In 1516, English humanist Sir Thomas More published a book titled Utopia, which compared social and economic conditions in Europe with those of an ideal society on an imaginary island located off the coast of the Americas. More wanted to imply that the perfect conditions on his fictional island could never really exist, so he called it “Utopia,” a name he created by combining the Greek words ou (“not, no”) and topos (“place”). The earliest generic use of utopia was for an imaginary and indefinitely remote place. The current use of utopia, referring to an ideal place or society, was inspired by More’s description of Utopia’s perfection.
没有一个像乌托邦一样的地方。1516年,英国人文主义者托马斯·莫尔出版了一本名为《乌托邦》的书,将欧洲的社会和经济状况与位于美洲海岸的一个虚构岛屿上的理想社会进行了比较。More 想要表达的是他虚构的岛屿上的完美条件永远不可能真正存在,所以他把它叫做“乌托邦”,这个名字是他通过 希腊语 ou (“not,no”)和 topos(“place”)结合起来得来的。Utopia 最早的用法是指想象中的无限遥远的地方。现在是指理想的地方或社会,这是受到More对 utopia 的完美描述启发的得来的。
Word Family Quiz
Fill in the blanks to reveal a relative of utopia associated with the art of shaping trees or shrubs into ornamental shapes: _ o _ pi _ _ _.
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