escape 1
/ ??ske?p; ?ˋskep/ v
[I, Ipr] ~ (from sb/sth) get free; get away (from imprisonment or control) (从监禁﹑ 管制中)逃脱, 逃走: Two prisoners have escaped. 有两个囚犯越狱了. * A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了. * She longed to escape from her mother's domination. 她渴望摆脱母亲的操纵. * (fig 比喻) When life became too difficult, he escaped into a dream world of his own. 生活太困难时, 他就躲进了自己梦幻世界之中.
[I, Ipr] ~ (from sth) (of gases, liquids, etc) find a way out (of a container, etc); leak; seep out (指气体﹑ 液体等)漏出, 泄漏, 渗出: There's gas escaping somewhere can you smell it? 有什麽地方漏煤气了你闻到了吗? * Make a hole to let the water escape. 弄个洞让水排出. * heat escaping through a window 从窗户散发出的热气.
[I, Tn no passive 不用於被动语态, Tg] keep free or safe from (sth unpleasant); avoid 避免或躲避(不愉快的事物); 免除: Where can we go to escape the crowds? 我们到哪里才能躲开这些人群? * escape punishment/being punished 避免惩罚[受罚] * You can't escape the fact that... 你不 能逃避这样的事实....
[Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] be forgotten or unnoticed by (sb/sth) 被遗忘; 未被注意: Her name escapes me, ie I can't remember it. 我想不起她的名字了. * The fault escaped observation (ie was not spotted) for months. 这故障数月来未引起注意. * Nothing escapes you/your attention, ie You notice everything. 什麽也瞒不了你.
(idm 习语) escape (sb's) ′notice be missed or not noticed (by sb) 疏忽; 没注意到: It won't have escaped your notice that I've been unusually busy recently. 你一定注意到了我最近一直忙得不得了. escape 2
/ ??ske?p; ?ˋskep/ n
[C, U] ~ (from sth) (act or action of) escaping; instance of having escaped 逃走; 逃脱: Escape from Dartmoor prison is difficult. 从达特穆尔监狱逃走非常困难. * There have been few successful escapes from this prison. 没有什麽人能从这座监狱逃走. * When the guard's back was turned, she made her escape. 看守人一转过身去, 她就逃走了.
[C] means of escaping 逃走或逃生的手段: The fire-escape is at the back of the building. 太平门在建筑物的後面. * [attrib 作定语] The police have just found the escape vehicle. 警方刚找到逃走者使用的车辆. * He showed us our escape route on the map. 他在地图上指出我们逃走的路线. * escape-pipe/-valve, ie to release excess steam or water when the pressure is too great 排出管[阀](压力过高时可释放出过剩的蒸汽或水).
[sing] (thing that provides a) temporary distraction from reality or dull routine 暂时逃避现实(的消遣事物): He listens to music as an escape from the pressures of work. 他听音乐以缓解一下工作的压力.
[C] leak 漏出: an escape of gas 漏出煤气.
(idm 习语) make ,good one's e′scape manage to escape completely and satisfactorily 设法逃脱.
# e′scape clause (also ′get-out clause) part of a contract that releases a person, etc from obligations under certain conditions (契约的)例外条款.
e′scape-hatch n emergency exit from a ship, an aircraft, etc (船只﹑ 飞行器等的)紧急出口.
e′scape velocity speed at which a spacecraft, etc must travel in order to leave the gravitational field of a planet, etc 逃逸速度(宇宙飞船等克服星球引力的速度).
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