
栏目:影视资讯  时间:2022-11-07



  Hitting the screens last Thursday and starring more than 50 Chinese A-list actors and actresses, the movie "The Founding of An Army" has already raked in over 217 million yuan. 自7月27日上映以来,这部集合了50多名一线演员的影片《建军大业》已经收获了2.17亿元的票房。

  As the final piece of the "Founding Trilogy", which also featured "The Founding of A Republic" and "Beginning of The Great Revival," the film shared the same production team as the previous two, but leaned towards younger audiences by using a number of young up-and-coming stars, with cast members aged 31 on average, 10 of whom were born after 1985. 作为“建国三部曲”系列的最后一部,《建军大业》与《建国大业》和《建党伟业》都出自同一个制作团队,但是选用了一些年轻的人气明星,希望更贴近年轻观众。该片演员平均年龄31岁,其中有10位演员均为1985年以后出生。


  It starts with Chiang Kai-shek's annihilation of Communist members in Shanghai on April 12, 1927, and chronicles the formation of the Party-led armies through milestones such as the 1927 Nanchang Uprising and 1928 joining forces at the Jinggang Mountain. 电影以1927年蒋介石在上海发动四一二反革命政变、大肆屠杀共产党员开篇,记录了共产党领导的军队在发展壮大过程中经历的重要历史事件,如1927年南昌起义、1928年井冈山会师等。


  四一二反革命政变 The April 12 Anti-Revolutionary Coup


  A large-scale purge of Communists from the Kuomintang (KMT) in Shanghai was ordered by Chiang Kai-shek on April 12, 1927, during the Northern Expedition against the warlords. 1927年4月12日,北伐期间,蒋介石在上海发动政变,大规模“清党”反共。

  Many prominent Communist members of the KMT were imprisoned or executed by Chiang in an attempt to destroy their influence. 国民党内大量重要共产党员被逮捕或屠杀,蒋介石欲借此摧毁共产党的影响。

  For several weeks following the April 12 incident in Shanghai, arrests and executions of prominent Communists occurred in all areas of China controlled by Chiang and his allies, including co-founder of the Chinese Communist Party, Li Dazhao, in Beijing. 上海四一二事件后的几周内,全国各个被蒋介石及其勾结的军阀控制的地区,大量共产党员被逮捕和屠杀,中国共产党主要创始人之一李大钊也在北京被杀害。

  南昌起义 Nanchang Uprising


  On August 1, 1927, Zhou Enlai, He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De and Liu Bocheng led revolutionary forces to hold an uprising in Nanchang, Jiangxi, to counter the anti-communist purges by the KMT. 1927年8月1日,为反抗国民党的反共清党行动,周恩来、贺龙、叶挺、朱德、刘伯承领导革命武装队伍,在江西南昌发动起义。

  The Nanchang Uprising was the "first shot" of the CPC's armed struggle against the KMT's rule. It marked the beginning of the CPC building its own army to lead the revolution independently. 南昌起义打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,揭开了中国共产党创建革命军队和独立领导武装斗争的序幕。

  August 1 was later regarded as the anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army. 这一天也成为了中国人民解放军建军纪念日。

  三河坝战役 Battle of Sanheba






  井冈山会师 the joining of Red Army forces at Jinggang Mountain


  In April 1928, Zhu De and Chen Yi led the remaining men of the Nanchang Uprising and about 10,000 men from the Hunan Uprising to Jinggang Mountain and joined forces with Mao"s troops, forming the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. 1928年4月,朱德和陈毅带领的南昌起义军剩余部队、以及湘南起义的1万人部队在井冈山与毛泽东的部队会师,合编为工农革命军第四军。



  中国工农红军 Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army

  长征 Long March

  红军三大主力 three main forces of the Red Army

  中央红军(红一方面军) Central Red Army (the First Front Red Army)

  红二方面军 the Second Front Red Army

  红四方面军 the Fourth Front Red Army

  红二十五军 the Twenty-fifth Army Group

  反“围剿”斗争 counter-encirclement and -suppression campaign

  北上抗日 move north to resist Japanese aggression

  八路军 Eight Route Army

  新四军 New Fourth Army


  Northeast China Anti-Japanese United Forces


  South China Guerrillas


  Central Revolutionary Base (Central Soviet Area)


  Chinese Soviet Republic


  The People's Liberation Army


  the Chinese People's Volunteers Army

  (编辑:唐晓敏 左卓 马文英)

