
栏目:影视资讯  时间:2022-11-07


  The overall renovation project of Fanzheng Restaurant and Tripsay Hotel is located in Yutian village, Shenzhen city which is at the intersection of modern prosperity and obsolescence. The new and old neighborhoods present the changes and connections of the city, bringing new propositions about urban renewal.

  ▼餐厅和书店立面,restaurant and bookstores facade

  整体概况 Overview


  The building consists of seven floors, including the basement floor, Fanzheng restaurant on the first floor, and 16 guest rooms of Tripsay Hotel on the second to sixth floors. Based on the beam-column frame of the original building, Fanzheng architectural company realizes multiple functions within the boundaries of order and brings people a fresh and dynamic urban experience.

  关于采光 | Daylighting



  The open floor and floor-to-ceiling glass of the building give people an intimate and spacious comfort. Appropriate lighting ensures the quality of the basic experience of the project. At the same time, to some extent, we also hope to retain the feeling of dark and deep as it is a village in the city, presenting the characteristics of the building itself and its harmonious relationship with the surrounding environment.

  On the first to sixth floors, the bright and transparent window scenery and the grace of light and shadow are unreservedly packed into this space. On the basement floor, the dot-shaped lights create a lazy atmosphere. We use the light source to create two different atmospheres to realize the scene change for different emotions.

  ▼一层餐厅,restaurant on the ground floor

  ▼落地窗用餐区,dining area beside the window


  ▼餐厅负一层, dining area on the basement level

  ▼灯光氤氲出慵懒的气氛,a lazy atmosphere created by the arrangement of lighting

  关于空间结构 | Spatial Structure


  In a limited space, reduce the flow of public areas and maximize the area of the guest room. Strengthen the beam and column structure of the original building, and utilize this to showcase the division of spatial order and function.

  ▼标准层平面图(左)和走廊星空(右),typical plan (left) and the starry corridor space (right)

  关于功能区划分 | Functional Area Division


  Break the division of accommodation’s original functional areas and decentralize the functions in the guest rooms so as to maximize the use and experience of space. The shower, toilet and washstand in the bathroom of the guest room have achieved a completely independent separation. It will be more convenient to use when crowds of people check in, and the dryness and cleanliness of the bathroom space is also guaranteed.

  ▼城景客房,guest room with city view

  ▼浴缸客房,guest room with a bathtub

  ▼商务客房,executive room

  关于空间层次 | Spatial Hierarchy


  Increase the vertical height difference level; the aisles and corner facilities lengthen the moving line. This design can reduce the disadvantages of the limited space while simultaneously limiting the level of space and experience in a limited area.

  ▼过道和转角设施拉长动线,the aisles and corner facilities lengthen the moving line

  关于材质 | Materials


  We add the wood material to the exposed cement wall in order to create a cozy atmosphere as the latter is a little bit rustic and slightly rough. Picking out the right building material and suitable auxiliaries help present a comfortable and natural state. The formal decoration is removed, so that the material itself becomes a kind of landscaping, thus endowing the entire space with tension and recognition.

  ▼一层公共区域裸露的水泥墙,the exposed cement wall in the public area on the ground floor

  ▼空间细部,detailed view


  Nietzsche once said: “In architecture, people’s sense of pride, people’s gravitational success, and will to seek rights all show a visible shape.” We enter the bureau, we do not care about industrial upgrading but people’s connection and the recovery of the community. We hope that this project is not just a physical space, but an accessible field, which can become a place where people are willing to stay in this rushing society.

  ▼材质与空间氛围,material and spatial atmosphere


