
栏目:影视资讯  时间:2022-11-07


  Mojito must be a familiar name to most Chinese recently. In April 12th, Chinese singer Jay Zhou released his new song with this name and it is also Cuba's World-Famous National Drink.


  This bright song successfully dispels summer heat and refreshes people‘s summer’s day. It brings us back to the country Cuba that is filled with exotic atmosphere. And Cuba is just the birthplace of Mojito.


  The lyrics, “ No cigar could compare to her smile”, aroused some of our former impressions on this country: breezing of sea winds, gentlemen with cigars at hands and colorful cities...


  "It's where I had always wanted to go, because there are a lot of antique cars of various colours there. Everybody knows how much I love antique cars," Zhou said.


  While His song combined classical Cuban music style and salsa dance, it also captures the charming scenery of the country.


  The achievements listed on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage shows its long-lasting and deep-rooted history.


  By the end of December 2018, UNESCO’s has registered one of its intangible cultural treasures; it's listed as “Festivity of Las Parrandas in the Centre of Cuba ".

  Festivity of Las Parrandas in the centre of Cuba 帕兰达斯节


  If you are going to travel to the Centre of Cuba during the last months of the year, you may have the opportunity to participate in the Festivity of Las Parrandas.


  This festival will be held in 18 neighbourhoods in central Cuba. During the challenge, each town is divided into two competing parties or neighborhoods, with spies attempting to spoil the opposing neighborhood’s surprise on the night of the festivity.

   National Council for Cultural Heritage, Cuba, 2014


  The festivities involve a wide range of expressions, including the design and construction of replicas and monuments, floats and costumes; songs and dances; fireworks; and decorations such as lamps, lanterns, banners.


  “This tradition dates back to the 1820 when a young priest named Francisco Vigilnoticed that in the chilly mornings of the last days of the year, his congregations were dwindling .People seemed to prefer to spend time in their warm beds than fill the pews of his church.”


  “To persuade them to change their ways, he came up with an ingenuous solution. He got together a group of children and encouraged them to make as much noise as they could.


  The children do whatever was necessary to ensure that everyone would be up for the series of masses beginning on the 16th and ending on the 24th of December. ”


  The real historical motive and purpose of this Festivity are to encourage and filling the Church with more people.


  One hundred fifty years later, many changes have been made, the group of children who make noises evolved to become an orchestra. And the range of community was enlarged to 18 neighbourhoods.

  Traditional Cuba Food 传统古巴食物


  As the largest island in the Caribbean, Cuba has some of the best food in the world with a unique mixture of African, Spanish, and Caribbean influences. Cuba's cuisine reflects the island's rich and dynamic history.


  Because of its form, knowledge, flavour and techniques, which have been transmitted from generation to generation, the "WorldChef" societies declared Cuban cuisine an Intangible Heritage in 2017.


  It includes not only various kinds of staple food, but also many tropical fruits and even seafood. Let's have a look into the following Cuban famous dishes.

  No.1 Ropa Vieja (炖牛腰肉)


  This dish consists of tender shredded beef that is cooked in tomatoes and served over tons of fluffy white rice. The name literally translates to be “old cloths”, which some people say is because it’s easy to stir leftovers into the recipe.

  No.2 Picadillo(什锦肉糜)


  Picadillo grounded with beef, potatoes, olives, and string beans. All put together into a big pot. But the recipe varies depending on the cook, but most of them include raisins.

  No.3 Pernil(烤猪腿肉)


  The roast pork shoulder is the tenderest, most succulent dishes one could ever think of in Cuba. Almost every restaurant in Cuba sells it.

  No.4 Yuca(木薯)


  There’s nothing better than yuca steamed in garlicky mojo sauce. Yuca is another word for cassava, a starch that is similar to a tomato. You can also eat it like French fries or used for baking.

  No.5 Guava Paste (番石榴果酱)


  This dish is the most Cubans favourite dessert. It's a thick paste made out of guava fruit and sugar, and it can be spread on crackers.


  Those are some interesting cultural heritage of Cuba. If one day you have the chance, it’s worthwhile to pay a visit to.


