京领专访|奇点大学Brett Schilke:未来教育核心是“重塑自我”

栏目:影视资讯  时间:2022-11-07

  2019年11月13日-16日,“当下的未来教育” (The Future of Education Now) 全球国际学校大会在北京京西学校成功举办。

  京领新国际作为此次大会战略媒体合作方,在会后专访了大会主旨演讲嘉宾Brett Schilke。

  Keynote Speaker

  Brett Schilke硅谷奇点大学影响力拓展理事著名演讲者和教育家奇点大学(Singularity University)是由Google与NASA联合开办的未来学校,每年录取率仅为2%

  Brett Schilke是硅谷奇点大学影响力拓展理事,是著名的演讲者和教育家,他将自己对科技、社会以及未来的探索,通过主题演讲和互动工作坊等方式激励了全球数千人。

  在本次大会中,Brett Schilke作为主题演讲嘉宾,分享了自己对于学校及社会在未来发展方向上的看法。


  Mr. Schilke:我认为,当我们思考教育的未来时,往往会把注意力搞错方向。我的观点是,我们现在面临的问题在于一直试图保留原有的陈旧模式,当然我不是指教育模式,而是指我们期望人们如何度过一生的方式。




  京领新国际: 我们如何才能重塑自我呢?

  Mr. Schilke:首先,有很多简单可行的方式可以帮助我们重塑自我。其中一些就像我们改变日常的对话用语一样简单。









  Mr. Schilke:我认为创新很重要。创新的能力未必是教出来的,我认为人类天生就很有创造力,学校是激发学生创造能力的场所。















  京领新国际: 在你看来,中国学生和其他国家的学生有什么不同吗?

  Mr. Schilke:当然,由于学校的运作方式、课程设置以及培养方式的差异与区别,不同国家的学生也都存在着不同和各自的特点。但是我在大约30个国家的学校中和学生工作过,每个地方都有同样的挑战——只是展现方式不同。通常,这些挑战涉及政策、资金和家长/教师支持,这些事情正如同一枚硬币一样,极具两面性。



  Mr. Schilke:我认为在未来的10到15年里,教学方法会有很大的变化。我曾讲过很多关于如何将学校作为重塑自我的地方的话题,但是如果学校仅仅教授这些是不行的。我们现在正经历的阶段是关于学习如何更好的获取和过滤信息,而随着这些知识框架和技能的迅速发展,有极大的可能性实现课程的改变。






  Mr. Schilke:奇点大学不是一所传统的大学,你来这里不是为了学习一门课程、获取一个专业或获得一个学位。我们是一个学习机构,你到这里来进行碎片式学习,你需要什么就学什么,何时需要就何时学。我们与公司,政府,非营利组织,专业人士,各种各样的人共同工作。



  KingLead:How do you think of the future of education?

  Mr. Schilke:I think that we tend to focus on the wrong things when we think about the future of education. My basic view is that the problem we are facing right now is trying to force an old model to continue existing. And I don't mean the model of education, but the model of how we expect people to go through life.

  In the last two revolutions, the industrial revolution and technological revolution, what we told people was that you go to school, you get a job, you get that job on the job market, you make money and you buy a big house, and then reach the end of your life. That's why you go to school.

  But we all know that is not reality anymore. Yet we still pretending in our schools that if we just push the right skills into your brain, we will succeed. We need to stop lying to ourselves. The future is coming and it has less to do with skills, and more to do with the really difficult task of reinventing ourselves.

  KingLead:How could we reinvent ourselves?

  Mr. Schilke:First, there are some simple practices that we can try to develop in ourselves. A lot of them are as simple as changing the words that we use.

  For example, right now, we always ask a person what job they want to have, but a job you planned for your whole life might not be a thing when you graduate. So why are we asking that question?

  I always say what instead we should ask a student” What do you want to enable in the world?” Because the thing you want to enable can change, you can do that a hundred different ways, but you can always have that sort of constant line to draw you through. It's just kind of reforming the way we think about ourselves.

  The second practice is forecasting - the idea that we can look to the future and predict what could happen. The better we are able to do that, the better we understand what the future means for ourselves.

  The third practice is all about how we can use technology to optimize the way we learn. We tend to think about technology in the classroom as a way of delivering Information, but that's kind of silly. Why would I need you to deliver me information I can find just by looking at my phone?

  So instead we should think about our schools as laboratories for our brain. Such as how do we use data, artificial Intelligence, neurology, biology, psychology and all of these things to maximize the way the brain works. Schools should be about teaching us how to adapt, and then we will adapt throughout life.

  KingLead:Do you think it is important to cultivate innovation ability of students in school, and how do we achieve this goal?

  Mr. Schilke:I think innovation is important. And I don't necessarily believe that the ability needs to be taught. I think humans are very naturally creative and school takes that out of us.

  When you think about what happens in a school -- you go to school and you are told there are right answers and wrong answers. There are rules to follow and if you don't, you'll be punished. But those are the opposite of creativity. Children naturally break rules, I think our schools need to change the environment of “right and wrong answers."

  What I'm doing right now actually in a project in India is we're exploring what it means for a child to develop and design their own future. And one of the things we did as part of our research was put a group of kids in a completely blank room

  --the walls were blank and white, the floors were blank and white. We told the kids to do anything they want. Just make it fun, that was the only rule.

  With no instructions, they basically in two hours created a society of their own. It was absolutely unbelievable to see what they did. So I think that all we really have to do is remove some of the constraints in a safe space.

  I also have done some work in China three years ago, in Guangzhou. We were running an innovation boot camp for young children age about 6 to 13. And we had three days with them to help them envision the future and decide what it was they wanted to create to make really remarkable things, and they did it Incredibly well.

  And what was so fascinating to me was that at the end of this project, we had these kids present their ideas about the future and what they would like to create.

  An 11-year-old girl in the class stood up and she shared her idea. Her father was in the room and he said to me, “why are you filling my daughter's head with nonsense? These ideas won't do anything good for her future."

  However, the interesting things is that the idea the girl presented is actually a billion-dollar company in California. So I replied “I’m sorry, but don’t you want your daughter to run a billion-dollar company?”, Of course, he was embarrassed and upset, and he sat down and was very quiet. And this same kind of interactions have happened in almost every country I have worked in.

  I think the lesson there is that kids are not the problem in any way; rather, it's us - parents and teachers - that are one of the biggest roadblocks to redesigning the future of learning.

  It's because parents want what's best for their kids. It's a good thing, but what they believe is best is based on their own experiences of what was best for them. And the reality of today is incredibly different.

  There's simply a gap in awareness and knowledge, and they are very naturally afraid that the schools are doing something differently.

  But if we help them to have a better understanding of what the future could be like, I think they would be far more supportive. It's really about how we create a shared vision of the future so that parents and teachers and kids alike can be supportive of trying something new in schools.

  KingLead:In your point of view, is there any differences between the Chinese students and students from other countries?

  Mr. Schilke:Of course, there are differences as schools operate differently, schools have different curriculum, and training tends to be different in different countries.

  However, I have worked with schools and students in about 30 countries and there are the same challenges in every place - just exhibited in different ways. Usually those challenges are about policies, funding, and parent/teacher support. Just different sides of the same coins.

  KingLead:How do you think of the future of international curriculum in the international schools?

  Mr. Schilke:I think teaching methods will change a lot in the next 10 to 15 years. I speak a lot about needing to think of our schools as places to reinvent ourselves, but of course if that was all we taught today, it would not work.

  We are moving through a period now that is about learning how to better access and filter information, and as those interfaces and skills develop, we will be able to change curriculum along with it.

  One of the most recent projects I have worked on is, for the last three years, I worked with GEMS Education to build a course that teaches the future. We spent three years working with 150,000 kids to design a course that you can teach in one semester in high school, to teach the future.

  And it's not about dispensing Information; it's about teaching kids how to go find the Information they want and apply it to their life. I think this is the type of learning we'll get more of in international schools (and public schools, I hope!) in the future.

  And very importantly, the school and teacher will always be valuable, I am not in any way a proponent of the idea of doing away with schools.

  I don't think there's a single human on this planet that wants to learn from computers or screens only. As human beings we learn from each other. So I think teachers are more important than they've ever been. It's just their job that will change from a source of information to a source of guidance.

  KingLead:When you choose a person to get into Singularity University, is there any trait that you really pay much attention to?

  Mr. Schilke:Singularity University is not a traditional university, you do not come for a course of study or a major or a degree. We are a learning institution that you come to for small pieces of learning, what you need when you need it. We work with corporations, governments, non-profits, professionals, all sorts of people.

  I think the most important trait we look for is the desire to understand how the future can help you do things better. A lot of people want to learn about the future. What we really look for is that you want to make the world better in the process.


