
栏目:影视资讯  时间:2022-11-07

  【#神探夏洛克会有第五季# 】据外媒报道,英剧《神探夏洛克》编剧麦哥Mark Gatiss和魔法特Steven Moffat透露《神探夏洛克》将会有第五季。据悉,因为男主角Benedict Cumberbatch目前忙于其他拍摄,所以预计等待的时间将会较漫长。




  Krimihotel Hillesheim

  刑侦小说迷们注意了~!在距离科隆约100公里、一座名叫希勒斯海姆的中世纪城镇中,有一家侦探主题酒店。酒店的每间客房都以各种热门的神秘谋杀案和侦探人物为主题进行装饰,包括希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)和福尔摩斯(SherlockHolmes)

  Detective novel fans attention ~! There is a detective themed hotel in a medieval town called Hillam, about 100 kilometers from Cologne. Each of the hotel's rooms is decorated with a variety of popular mystery murders and detectives, including Alfred Hitchcock and SherlockHolmes.

  这家以犯罪为主题的酒店位于中世纪的希莱斯海姆镇(Hillesheim),提供装饰独特的客房,欢迎客人的到来。Das Krimihotel酒店距离德国最大的神秘谋杀案档案馆有200米。

  Located in the medieval town of Hillesheim, the crime-themed hotel offers a uniquely decorated guest house.Guests are welcome. The Das Krimihotel Hotel is 200 meters from the largest mystery murder archive in Germany.

  酒店的每间客房都以各种热门的神秘谋杀案和侦探人物为主题进行装饰,包括希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)和福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)。所有客房都配备了电视和私人浴室。

  Each of the hotel's rooms is decorated with a variety of popular mystery murders and detective characters, including Alfred Hitchcock and Sherlock Holmes. All rooms are equipped with TV and private bath.

  周边地区非常适合北欧式健走和骑自行车。Golfplatz Eifel高尔夫球场距离酒店有3公里。希莱斯海姆镇是热门的Eifel Crime Fiction远足道上的落脚点。

  The surrounding area is perfect for Nordic walking and cycling. Golfplatz Eifel golf course is 3 km from the hotel. Hillisheim is a hot spot on the Eifel Crime Fiction hiking trail.

  Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London

  在英国伦敦,和福尔摩斯有关的不仅仅有博物馆、餐厅、酒吧,还有一间名为福尔摩斯的酒店(Sherlock Hostel),神秘而古韵十足。

  In London, Sherlock Hostel, a secret and quaint Sherlock Hostel, isn't the only one associated with Sherlock Holmes in the UK, Sherlock Hostel.It's all about museums, restaurants and bars.


  Any Sherlock Holmes fan would not miss Baker Street, On this street, of course, a building that blends the classical with the modern is equally attractive, and this hotel, dubbed Sherlock Holmes, opens up a relaxing and humorous journey of leisure for the traveler to take in the name. Wembley Stadium is close at hand and the guests of the hotel will be able to launch a vigorous campaign here.


  The hotel is not large, and in terms of modern times, the 119 luxury rooms contain the basic amenities needed by the occupants, Including advanced intelligent equipment, wireless network, switch plug and so on, the push-and-pull glass door in the bathroom of the room, also enough to make bath space bigger and more spacious.

  In fact, when I walked into the hotel, the most striking thing was the classical charm, two 18th-century buildings that retained the old, ancient and mysterious air.


  Also connected with Sherlock Holmes is "homicide". The entertainment in this hotel is naturally tinged with mystery and suspense.

  You can arrange a private dinner, or a big party, and after the welcome drinks begin, an interesting play can be put on. The hotel also arranges different scenarios for you, such as being a mysterious millionaire, or being an agile detective, and then interacting with other professional actors to solve puzzles.

  After a good interaction, a three-course dinner is held, and the mood is set for a merry and sumptuous party between the 2002 awards and 9.30pm.

  布鲁姆斯伯里酒店(The Bloomsbury Hotel)

  布鲁姆斯伯里酒店(The Bloomsbury Hotel)位于伦敦的文化中心,与柯南道尔笔下的大侦探夏洛克福尔摩斯也有千丝万缕的联系。位于伦敦的布鲁姆斯伯里酒店推出了福尔摩斯主题系列活动,具体有些什么神秘设置,来跟着去拍拍一起探秘这家酒店,解密你心中的夏洛克!

  The Bloomsbury Hotel's cultural center in London is also inextricably linked to Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, The great detective. The Bloomsbury Hotel in London has a Sherlock themed series of events, some of which are mysteriously set, to follow up with the photo to explore the hotel and decrypt your Shylock!

  酒店的罗赛尔广场花园(Russell Square)正是福尔摩斯系列故事的最初发生地,并出现在小说的第一章节。华生医生在这个美丽的花园机缘巧合地遇到了自己的老朋友迈克,并被介绍认识了福尔摩斯,由此改变了自己的一生。

  The hotel's Russell Square is where Sherlock Holmes began his series, and appears in the first chapter of the novel, The Garden of Russell Square. Dr. Watson happened to meet his old friend Mike in this beautiful garden and was introduced to Holmes and changed his life.


  The British Museum, just a few minutes' walk from the hotel, is also frequented by Sherlock Holmes and Watson. You can stay in this hotel and walk to the British Museum.

  本次出版的迷你小说《How Watson Learned The Trick》是专门为玛丽皇后玩偶屋(Queen Mary’s Dolls House)所写的,而这所玩具屋正是由布鲁姆斯伯里酒店的建筑师Edwin Lutyens爵士所设计。

  The mini novel How Watson Learned The Trick》 It's specially designed for Queen Mary's dollhouse ( Queen Mary's Dolls House) It was written by Sir Edwin Lutyens, the architect of the Bloomsbury Hotel, who designed the Toy House.


  In the Sherlock Holmes Exhibition at the Museum of London, many of the early films in the series, photographs, art works and Victorian artifacts, are on display to bring back to Holmesian London.



