Ning Hao has become famous since his masterpiece Crazy Stone were on screen in 2006. I’m not very clear about the rank or class of Chinese directors but when I think of Ning Hao there is always an impression that he must torture some unlucky actors to take an absurd and funny movie. And mostly Huang Bo is among those unlucky actors. That’s how he became successful.
Personally I prefer Crazy Racer to the first one. If you know more about Ning Hao’s works than these two Crazy movies, you must know his No Man’s Land had to be held back for 4 years. As for the reason, you can search for some explanation about it. Of course he does some other jobs like producer, screenwriter and even cameo actor. There is a saying that you have to do something unwillingly to accumulate to make something you really want. So we can see three kinds of movie makers. A, the skillful commercial movies makers produce a lot of blockbusters to make big money, such as Wang Jing and Feng Xiaogang. B, the persistent literature movies makers bring up some famous but unpopular award-winning works, such as Lou Ye and Bi Gan. C, those who can balance commercial and art build up their own style, such as Zhang Yimou and Wang Jiawei. Ning Hao is close to C, I suppose.
Frankly speaking, I’m worried about the alien theme made by Ning Hao. What if he made an alien world full of dialect, rustic music and negative country culture? Unfortunately, I am right. So he did. Fortunately, this isn’t the part I have to worry about. After several minutes’ kind of posh scene of special effect, we’re naturally taken to the familiar land of dirt with the down-to-earth rock&roll. What a fantastic cast combined a lost and stubborn monkey man acted by Huang Bo and a sordid and unrealistic wine seller acted by Shen Teng! From the beginning to the part that the alien found back its tool, I rarely laughed. My wife asked me why I laughed out loud frequently when watching Pegasus but kept calm when watching Crazy Alien. I was thinking. After all, Ning Hao isn’t a A type director in my mind. What does he want to express? However, a friend asked me to recommend a movie for his family after I finished watching three, I didn’t hesitate to mention this one. Because you can achieve your goal easily if you just want to take your parents or children to have a relaxation. Another new punchline came after a set-up. Also, you won’t be disappointed if you want to have something to discuss. This isn’t another Guns and Roses which belongs to something unwilling, I’m afraid. He still tried to satirize such a few phenomena.
I don’t think it necessary to emphasize the funny part of the movie with these two leading actors. Sometimes you may want to laugh at the sight of their faces. Some impressive parts are as following. After basic tricks, being trained to master Kungfu and serve people wine is the priority. Paying back in the completely same way makes the alien pleased but it’s not so pleased as drinking wine. And even during drinking the seller were still trying doing business and it’s not just a strategy. Temporary Residential Permit isn’t out of date and the person who devoted it comes from Guns and Roses. Paying tribute to Hidden Man, King Kong, Wolf Warriors and King of Comedy amused me a lot. I have to admit I don’t enjoy the part to show how dumb Americans are at first. In the end, I can accept it. It’s logical not like ridiculous anti-Japan drama. To me the surprising setting is about a theme park like Window of the World beyond foreigner’s imagination. That’s hilarious to use a bunch of fools to highlight an action looks wise.
As for the sarcastic effect, there’s already a lot of analysis. I have some theories too. The alien’s experience reminded me of an old cartoon in 1995 named A Mystery of Strange Eggs. It told a simple story about two eggs from space. The alien from an egg became kind because persons who found it treated it nice and the other alien damage everything because persons who found it tried to destroy it. The theme song was very brainwashing. Well, people are meant to be afraid of something we know little about. Second, a so-called advanced being even can’t get rid of a rope when it fell into a rusty world. No matter how big a person you are, you can’t make it if you don’t comply with the current situation. A billionaire probably can’t get through a provincial highway during Spring Festival himself. So we can witness an alien to be made a servant. Third, we often hear some words like don’t look down up on yourself, but I think the opposite is more harmful to your health, which connects to a disgusting scene same as eating shits. Next, the alien looks like a monkey and it transformed into a real monkey to fight later. Speaking of monkey, someone has a new movie about Monkey King the next year and, well, this part might be prohibited, forget about it. Last but not least, when you are used to something so much that it’s already become a habit, you can never get rid of it. Especially being dominating and, well, this one is more likely to be prohibited, so be it.
A little tired, this is a successful experiment to put these two together. Xu Zheng is more like a cameo appearance in the end but why so much appreciation is given to him? You should know a technology named Motion Capture. A lot of fantasy movies use this to shape special characters, such as a dragon or a giant. Xu Zheng is the alien.
Plus, John Stockton is a legendary and respectful NBA player. Why does our director hate him?
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