Situated at the foot of Yuelu Mountain and next to Yuelu Academy which has been one of the academic centers in for the past 1000 years, the School of Business Administration is the heritage of the 100-year development of business discipline in Hunan University.The School has been framed in a modern structure. There are 4 departments covering management science and engineering, marketing, business administration, logistics and electronic Business. 15 research institutions and 3 labs substantially support the academic research activities. Apart from experienced MBA and EMBA education, the school offers sophisticated doctoral, master, and bachelor degrees education in a number of areas within management discipline. Additionally the School has two post-doctorial research platforms, one provincial key lab. We are one of the Notional Experimental facilities for Training of Innovative Personnel. Four works of our teachers are listed in the “Textbooks by Planning”. Management has enrolled in the China National Program for Elaborate Courses.
The school has 118 employees, including 96 faculties, 22 administrative employees. Among them, there are 31 professors, 27 associate professors, 17 doctoral superiors. The school is privileged for a number of phenomenal academics, such as member of the Chinese Engineering Academy Professor, National Young Excellence Professor, Yangzi-River Scholar Professor, Furong Scholar Professor, and Candidate for National New-Century Human Resources Project Professor.The school has also made a lot of scientific research achievements. Currently there are a series of academically influential subjects and research areas directed by which a wide arrange of monographs, papers, and patents have been published. Accordingly, the school is also advantaged with a group of academic directors and 9 research teams.
Outstanding students have always been the essence of the school which is well-known for its strict education system and favorable studying environment that attract and shape countless students and management professionals every year. Currently the school has 738 bachelor-degree students, 415 masterdegree students, 109 doctoral students, 12 post-doctoral researchers, 867 MBA students, 358 EMBA students, 36 students for master of Higher Education Teacher. There are more than 5600 alumni around the world.
The map of international communication has expanded into various business institutions of a number of renowned universities in a wide
arrange of countries and areas, such as the US,Canada,Australiqa,UK,the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Iceland, HK,and Taiwan.
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